Design | Arts | Culture – Call for Submissions
Design | Arts | Culture, Vol. 6, “Anthropocene in the meantime”
Design | Arts | Culture, Vol. 6, “Anthropocene in the meantime”
Discussion on the subject of Doctoral Research in Architecture, Arts and the Humanities by Lecturer Angelos Psilopoulos, West Attica University, Athens, Greece, on 17th April 2024, 19, Budișteanu Street, Room 45.
The Department of Art Studies and Art Education of the Faculty of Visual Arts at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo announce the Visual Studies International Scientific Conference on the 21st and 22nd of October.
The Center for Research in Curation, Art History and Criticism, Heritage Studies – CICASP, organises a conference for theorists and practitioners alike on the relationship between nature and art in early November.
17th LUMEN international Scientific Conference: Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice | RSACVP2022. June 2nd-4th, 2022.
Design | Arts | Culture, Vol. 6, “Anthropocene in the meantime”
Discussion on the subject of Doctoral Research in Architecture, Arts and the Humanities by Lecturer Angelos Psilopoulos, West Attica University, Athens, Greece, on 17th April 2024, 19, Budișteanu Street, Room 45.
The Department of Art Studies and Art Education of the Faculty of Visual Arts at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo announce the Visual Studies International Scientific Conference on the 21st and 22nd of October.
The Center for Research in Curation, Art History and Criticism, Heritage Studies – CICASP, organises a conference for theorists and practitioners alike on the relationship between nature and art in early November.
17th LUMEN international Scientific Conference: Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice | RSACVP2022. June 2nd-4th, 2022.
Școala Doctorală (IOSUD)
G-ral Constantin Budisteanu, nr. 19
010773, Bucuresti
Telefon: +(40) 21.312.7215
E-mail: doctorat@unarte.org
Secretariat Școala Doctorală
etaj 1 – sala 17
Luni: 10:00-15:00
Marți 9:30-11:30
Miercuri: 9:30-11:30