The Doctoral School of the National University of Arts Bucharest organized the third edition of the exhibition comprising artworks associated with the research activity of doctoral students. The exhibition is open between December 11th, 2024, and January 12, 2025, at UNAgaleria (Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Băiculești 29, Sect. 1, Bucharest), Wednesday to Sunday between 10:00 and 18:00. Free admission.


The Doctoral Research Exhibition / 2024 showcases the results of the artistic research and creation accomplished between 2023 and 2024 by a selection of PhD students. Following a call for works, the selection was performed by the exhibition’s organizers.

Built around the idea of complementary dialogue, the curatorial program of the exhibition integrates a wide array of doctoral research directions and methodologies. Brought forth in a variety of artistic media (installation, painting, graphic art, sculpture, video, photography, ceramics, glass, mixed media, etc.) these artworks, together with the abstracts of the theoretical/artistic doctoral research displayed on the parietal panels of the gallery’s loggia, become highlights of the individual perspectives of the 45 PhD students present in the exhibition.

The exhibition curated by assoc. prof. habil. Dorina HORĂTĂU, PhD, was opened by univ. prof. Cătălin BĂLESCU, PhD – Rector, univ. prof. Eugen Alexandru GUSTEA, PhD – Prorector and Chair of CSUD, and univ. prof. Iosif KIRÁLY, PhD – Chair of CSUD, on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, 18 o’clock.

Scientific coordinators  |  univ. prof. habil. Constantin ASLAM, PhD | univ. prof. Cătălin BĂLESCU, PhD | univ. prof. Ruxandra DEMETRESCU, PhD | univ. prof. habil. Darie DUP, PhD | univ. prof. arh. Dragoș GHEORGHIU, PhD | univ. prof. habil. Eugen Alexandru GUSTEA, PhD | assoc. prof. habil. Dorina HORĂTĂU, PhD | univ. prof. habil. Iosif KIRÁLY, PhD | assoc. prof. habil. Cornel Florin MORARU, PhD| univ. prof. habil. Cosmin PAULESCU, PhD | univ. prof. Rucsandra POPP, PhD | univ. prof. Marilena PREDA SÂNC, PhD.

PhD students  | Elena-Irinuca AKKAYA | Lăcrămioara IONICEANU (ANTON) | Oana-Virginia BARBU | Mihai BODEA TĂTULEA | Andreea-Lorena BOJENOIU | Mihail BOTNARI | Aurelian BROASCĂ | Diana BUTUCARIU | Laura Avramescu (CHERCIU) | Ilie CHIOIBAȘ | Nicoleta COMAN | Bogdan CRAIU | Marius CRISTEA | Mariana-Ramona DINESCU (COPIL) | Sabina GEORGESCU | Olivia IOAN | Ada JUGĂNARU | Valentin LEONIDA | Eduard LUCACI | Sorin MĂRCULESCU | Ștefania MEȘTERIUC | Anca Niculina MIHĂILĂ | Cornelia MOȚĂIANU | Lucreția NEACȘU (MAIORESCU) | Lisandru NEAMȚU | Elena-Teodora NECULA | Daniela NEMȚANU | Maria PANȚUR | Anca Floriana PAȘA (DEACONU) | Lila PASSIMA | Vlad- Dan PERIANU | Ștefana PETRE | Miruna PLEȘOIANU | Oana POP POPAN | Norica POPESCU | Emilian POSPAII | Oana RINALDI | Ana ROȘOGA | Petronela-Măria ROȘU | Alina TOFAN | Alina TUDOR | Ruxandra TUDORAN | Matei UDRIȘTE | Daniela Violeta VÎRLAN DANCEA | Bela ZOLTAN.

Consultants & collaborators of the exhibition univ. prof. Iosif KIRÁLY, PhD | researcher Constantin HOSTIUC (UAUIM/ DMC), PhD | lect. Bogdan MATEIAȘ, PhD | asst. lect. Răzvan TUN, PhD student | research asst. Alina Tudor, PhD student.

Media partners | TVR Cultural, Radio România Cultural, The Institute,, UAP.

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