The exhibition "Image and Memory" presents artistic portfolios published in volume 3 of the international journal Design | Arts | Culture (DAC) edited by the Doctoral School. The exhibition also included the launch event of the publication.


The third volume of the International Journal Design | Arts | Culture (DAC), edited and published by the National University of Arts Bucharest – Doctoral Studies, is dedicated to image and memory. The launch event took place on 28th April 2023 at the exhibition hall of the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” in Bucharest, where the artistic portfolios published in the magazine were exhibited.

“Image and Memory” is part of DAC’s multidisciplinary volume series and has inspired visual artists, art historians and theorists to contribute both textual and visual essays, which have been published in two issues: Image and Memory No.1 and Image and Memory No.2. Click on the images to view the issues in pdf format.












The two issues are published on the journal Design | Arts | Culture platform alongside the first two volumes edited and published by the Department of Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation of the Faculty of Applied Arts and Culture of West Attica University in Athens, Greece.

Editors: Prof. univ. dr. Ruxandra Demetrescu, Prof. univ. dr. arh. Dragoș Gheorghiu

Managing Editors: Mihaela Moțăianu (PhD Candidate) și Angelos Psilopoulos (Lecturer at the University of West Attica, Greece)

Design and Layout: Mihaela Moțăianu 


Image and Memory were exhibited also in the library of the University of West Attica, between 22nd May and 13th June 2023.


Both issues contain articles and portfolios on topics related to the connection between image and memory.

In the Portfolios section, the following PhD students have published artistic research projects: Andrei Mențeanu (PhD Student), Radu Lilea (PhD Student), Cornelia Moțăianu (PhD Candidate), Nicu Coșniceru (PhD Candidate), Vlad Basarab (PhD Candidate).